
Showing posts from 2009

Healthy ecology.

Dear Gentle Reader: I have edited/condensed this posting from the original which you can explore at Inside: What Happens When the Microbes That Keep Us Healthy Disappear? By Katherine Harmon Bacteria, viruses and fungi have been primarily cast as the villains in the battle for better human health. But a growing community of researchers is sounding the warning that many of these microscopic guests are really ancient allies. Having evolved along with the human species, most of the miniscule beasties that live in and on us are actually helping to keep us healthy, just as our well-being promotes theirs. In fact, some researchers think of our bodies as superorganisms, rather than one organism teeming with hordes of subordinate invertebrates. The human body has some 10 trillion human cells—but 10 times that number of microbial cells. So what happens when such an important part of our bodies goe...

New Year's Resolutions

Resolutions, anyone? From:   The reason so many people fail to keep their New Year's resolutions is that they took the wrong approach – and were led astray by self-help books, according to British psychologist Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire. By comparing the techniques of successful and unsuccessful resolution makers, The Daily Telegraph reports, he noticed some differences, including: People who failed tended to dwell on the “bad things” that would happen if they did not achieve their goal. They were likely to remove temptation from their surroundings, adopt role models, fantasize about being successful and rely on will power. “Many of these ideas are frequently recommended by self-help experts but our results suggest that they simply don't work,” Prof. Wiseman said. “Because of the widespread nature of this advice, m...

Welcome Wagon, Looking for a new chiropractor?

Dear New neighbor: I imagine you're in the midst of establishing your home and finding your way around our beautiful community. Welcome! And thank you for visiting my web-site. I'm Dr.Wayne Coghlan. A chiropractor. A different sort of chiropractor. If you're feeling the effects of unpacking, lifting and the general stress of moving, give us a call. You'll find our approach refreshingly down to earth: Same day appointments . By the time many people call a chiropractor, they're in bad shape. We keep openings in our schedule so we can easily accommodate new patients just about any time of the day. I usually treat on the first visit. Complementary consultation . If you're truly interested in your health, I'm happy to discuss it with you at no charge. It's a great way to get to know each other and see if we "click." That's as important to me as it is to you. If you are comfortable, we can proceed with examination and treatment. If you h...

Vitamin D

This is a reprint of an article about vitamin D... good thorough paper.  Martin Mittelstaedt From Saturday's Globe and Mail Published on Saturday, Mar. 08, 2008 9:32AM EST Last updated on Monday, Mar. 30, 2009 3:13PM EDT I n the summer of 1974, brothers Frank and Cedric Garland had a heretical brainwave. The young epidemiologists were watching a presentation on death rates from cancer county by county across the United States. As they sat in a lecture hall at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore looking at the colour-coded cancer maps, they noticed a striking pattern, with the map for colon cancer the most pronounced. Counties with high death rates were red; those with low rates were blue. Oddly, the nation was almost neatly divided in half, red in the north and blue in the south. Why, they wondered, was the risk of dying from cancer greater in bucolic Maine than in highly polluted Southern California? The two had arrived at Johns Hopkins a few days earlier, having dr...

Pendulum Exercises for Shoulder Mobility

Pendulum Exercises for Shoulder Mobility ***It is important to get and keep your joints moving lest they seize up and deteriorate*** • Improving the basic mobility of the joint prepares it for further rehabilitative exercises. • Start low and slow! Breathe as you exercise. Use smooth, relaxed movements. • Work up to your level of tolerable discomfort. If you feel pain, reduce the exercise to what you can tolerate… Some exercise is better than none. • If sore, apply ice after your exercises to reduce inflammation. Bend over to allow the arm to hang freely and relaxed. Support yourself on a table or chair.     • Swing the arm front to back as if in a marching action. Try several repetitions with the thumb turned in, and then turned out. Focus on moving the shoulder joint, not the just the forearm. • Swing the arm from one side to the other side, as if it were a pendulum. Do a few repetitions with the thumb turned in, then turned out. • Move yo...

Chiropractic Care and Mesothelioma

The following is a submission from the Mesothelioma Centre. It presents a good overview of how chiropractic care can be beneficial as a supportive therapy for people struggling through other, and very serious, health problems. Dr. Coghlan Chiropractic Care and Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that develops in the lining of the lungs, heart and abdomen. The primary cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral that was used in a number of military and industrial applications throughout most of the 20th century. Treatment options are often limited as the cancer is typically diagnosed in its later stages due to the long latency period of the symptoms. The combination of disease symptoms and treatment side effects can cause mesothelioma patients a great deal of pain. Cancer patients have included chiropractic care in their course of treatment to help control pain and alleviate headaches, tension and stress. According to the American Chir...

H1N1 formerly known as Swine Flu, and Seasonal Flu.

H1N1 formerly known as Swine Flu, and Seasonal Flu. Stop the Insanity! The following is an excerpt from the Globe and Mail and is about the best sense I've seen on the H1N1 (Swine flu) and seasonal flu. Credits to Andre Picard for the complete article Here, in a few brief words, is the essential of what you need to know about pandemic influenza: H1N1 is a new virus so a lot of people will contract it. As many as one in three Canadians could fall sick with H1N1 if they are not vaccinated. The good news is that, so far, disease caused by H1N1 has been relatively mild. A small percentage – but significant number – of people will get very sick and some will die. Those at greatest risk of getting sick are pregnant women and people (especially children) with chronic medical conditions such as asthma. Healthy young adults seem to get a lot sicker from H1N1 than they do from ...
Ready for something ... Re-evolutionary? Dr. Wayne Coghlan, BSc, DC. CHIROPRACTOR Collingwood Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic 516 Hurontario Street at 9th Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 2N3 Serving Collingwood/Wasaga Beach and our greater community. 705 445-5401 Motor Vehicle Accidents, WSIB, Health & Wellness Care LOW INTENSITY LASER THERAPY

Exercise to maintain bone density

Alex Hutchinson From Friday's Globe and Mail, Friday, May. 22, 2009 10:04AM EDT A lex Hutchinson draws on the latest research to answer your fitness and workout questions in this biweekly column on the science of sport. The question What type of exercise is best for maintaining strong bones? The answer The key word here is "maintain," as 95 per cent of your mature skeleton is already in place by the age of 17 for girls and 19 for boys. Once you reach adulthood, it's basically one long fight against the slow but inexorable loss of bone strength - and the key to that fight, many of us assume, is weight-bearing activities. But the latest research shows that resistance-training exercises like lifting weights can also play a crucial role in bone health - and in some cases are even more effective than weight-bearing activities such as elliptical training. "Over the past decade, people have realized that bone is more dynamic than we thought. It...

Consumer Reports article on Back Pain Treatment Satisfaction

Consumer Reports Relief for your aching back: What worked for our readers Our survey respondents tried an average of five or six different treatments over the course of just a year. About 80 percent of the adults in the U.S. have been bothered by back pain at some point. The Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center recently surveyed more than 14,000 subscribers who experienced lower-back pain in the past year but never had back surgery. More than half said the pain severely limited their daily routine for a week or longer, and 88 percent said it recurred throughout the year. Lower-back pain disrupts many aspects of life. In our survey, 46 percent said that it interfered with their sleep, 31 percent reported that it thwarted their efforts to maintain a healthy weight, and 24 percent said that it hampered their sex life. Where to go for treatment When back pain goes on and on, many people go to see a primary-care doctor. While this visit may help rule out any serious underlying diseas...

Winning investments.

An investment that pay you now, and in the years to come. It takes very little investment in dollars and effort to move into a new house ...and let it fall apart. Ignore the loose shingle and water gets into the walls and footings. Ignore the moisture on the window sills and eventually the windows rot out. Neglect the crack in the foundation wall and the frame starts to shift. Without any effort, bit by bit, the house deteriorates until it is no longer fit to live in. In the same way, it takes very little investment and effort to neglect your health. Every time you overdo the body becomes distorted. Every time you underdo, the body weakens. Bit by bit, you deteriorate until your body is no longer fit to live in. The trouble is, you are stuck in it. With the house you live in, fixing little problems and keeping the place in order does take investment of some time, and effort, and money. Yet, the house stays comfortable and remains fit to live in for many years. Invest in your health. Ge...

Chiropractic Mission Statement,

Back pain, neck pain, and headaches are the most common reasons why Canadians first consult a chiropractor. Every time you overdo, there’s a small amount of damage done to your spine. Vertebrae (the bones of the spine) can slip out of position or move improperly as muscles pull. In a few days the muscles heal, the pain eases, yet the vertebrae stay out of place, creating a chronic but unfelt vertebral distortion. This causes pressure on nerves and sensitive tissues and can lead to fixation (a sticking together) of two or more vertebrae. When the position and movement of vertebrae become distorted there is abnormal pressure on the disc and joints. Eventually the joints deteriorate into a condition called degenerative joint disease. You may know this as arthritis (comparable to a car becoming rusty). Constant lifting, bending, poor posture, etc., put consistent stress on your joints. It’s usually not the one big thing that you did, but the many small and repetitive thing...

Weight loss - Weighing in.

Weighing in on Weight Loss. There is much talk currently about regulating the diet/weight loss industry. I will leave that up to the reader to opine on the dangers, merits, and extent that Big Brother ought to protect the public from itself. However, as with many things in life, BUYER BEWARE. Keeping one's weight under control is important to promote a longer and healthier life. The number one indicator of adult onset disease is excess body weight. I refer you to Weight loss, however, is a very challenging thing for most people to manage and sustain. Many people are desperate to find a better answer and .... in a free society there are those entrepreneurs who will take advantage of persons vulnerable, if not desperate. BUYER BEWARE. I recall a review of weight loss centres and their long term effectiveness. The research supported that for people who did adhere to their program, they were successful in temporaril...

Posture and prosac and promotions

Respectfully submitted for your evaluation. As you are sitting now at your computer station, allow yourself to slump in your chair…if you aren’t already. Give it a minute or so to give it time to sink in. Answer a few more emails if you wish. As you are now sitting slumped, take notice of how you feel in your chest….try taking a deep breath. You will likely be feeling constricted and the deep breath will be less than satisfying. Notice the feeling in your shoulders, the heaviness in your arms.. .. perhaps tension or fatigue in the back of your neck. Notice the tone in your facial expression…. Jaw, eyes…. Take notice of how you feel inside yourself. What is your personal energy like? Do you feel much like doing another hour of work or perhaps a desire to go sit slouch on the couch? If you typically adopt this slumped posture, you may be feeling a headache developing in the back of the head or around the head or behind the eyes. How about the pain in the shoulder… if you are living in a ...

Natural sleep

There is an idea gaining traction that our modern idea of eight or so hours of uninterrupted sleep is more an unnatural response the demands of commerce. In pre -industrial Europe, people would typically go to bed as it became too dark to work, would have a period of deep sleep for a few hours, be wakeful though the wee hours of the night, and then enjoy a second lighter sleep until dawn. The wakeful time at night was occupied by meditation, prayer, stoking the fire, making love. During the full moon, people would be more active doing chores, visiting with neighbours, maybe pillaging. Perhaps this is the root of the perception that behaviours become more extreme during the time of the full moon. In many countries not governed by the demands of Western commerce, this pattern of sleep continues. in such cultures, sleep is supplemented by a mid-day nap or siesta. We find a similar pattern in most other higher primates. Ergo, that time spent awake through the night, and that groggy time yo...

Corsets and a Healthy Back

The fun of corsets. Source: Jan 09/09. ".... "The corset is a vilified article of clothing. It was and is blamed for a host of feminine miseries, both physical and spiritual, for ruining women's bodies and for closing their minds. It is interesting to note, however, that while women wore them, it was male doctors who led the campaign against the corset. Most women were for it. ... Wearing a corset is a little like finding oneself in a permanent embrace, a hug around the middle that goes on and on. This is pleasant and vaguely erotic - a squeeze that lasts." Ahem... Corsets also provided a degree of stability to the lower back and forced the lady to attend to better posture. It had to.. it was too uncomfortable to slump or bend over at the waist. We find a comparable device with industrial back supports (see picture). These devices became popular through the 90's when they were touted as being preventative for low back ...