
Showing posts from October, 2009

Chiropractic Care and Mesothelioma

The following is a submission from the Mesothelioma Centre. It presents a good overview of how chiropractic care can be beneficial as a supportive therapy for people struggling through other, and very serious, health problems. Dr. Coghlan Chiropractic Care and Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that develops in the lining of the lungs, heart and abdomen. The primary cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral that was used in a number of military and industrial applications throughout most of the 20th century. Treatment options are often limited as the cancer is typically diagnosed in its later stages due to the long latency period of the symptoms. The combination of disease symptoms and treatment side effects can cause mesothelioma patients a great deal of pain. Cancer patients have included chiropractic care in their course of treatment to help control pain and alleviate headaches, tension and stress. According to the American Chir...

H1N1 formerly known as Swine Flu, and Seasonal Flu.

H1N1 formerly known as Swine Flu, and Seasonal Flu. Stop the Insanity! The following is an excerpt from the Globe and Mail and is about the best sense I've seen on the H1N1 (Swine flu) and seasonal flu. Credits to Andre Picard for the complete article Here, in a few brief words, is the essential of what you need to know about pandemic influenza: H1N1 is a new virus so a lot of people will contract it. As many as one in three Canadians could fall sick with H1N1 if they are not vaccinated. The good news is that, so far, disease caused by H1N1 has been relatively mild. A small percentage – but significant number – of people will get very sick and some will die. Those at greatest risk of getting sick are pregnant women and people (especially children) with chronic medical conditions such as asthma. Healthy young adults seem to get a lot sicker from H1N1 than they do from ...