Laser therapy, part 2.
Low Intensity Laser Therapy...continued... For the sake of clarification, most clinics use two methods to apply light energy to promote healing. A third method using helium-neon devices is beyond the scope of this article. Laser Emitting Diodes produce a concentrated and focused beam of light that can penetrate about 5cm. into the tissue. Energy of the same wave length is also produced by Super Luminous Diodes. While this is a less concentrated energy and does not penetrate quite as deep. It is more suitable for skin and tissues just a few cm. deep. Conditions effectively treated by Light therapy include (but are not limited to): head, neck, and back pain; arthritis (osteo and Rheumatoid); post-surgical recovery; pulls, strains, and muscle injuries' joint twists and sprains; carpal tunnel, and other repetitive strain injuries; tendonitis; shoulder injuries. While not a scientific analysis, I've tried the laser/light therapy on cold sores and those annoying cankers on the inside...